Screen Time Management: Easing Dry Eyes in the Digital Age

Anoushka Krishnan
31.08.23 05:19 AM Comment(s)

Managing Screen Time to Alleviate Dry Eyes

In today's digital world, our lives are intricately intertwined with screens, from smartphones and tablets to computers and televisions. While these devices provide convenience and connectivity, they can also lead to a range of discomforts, including dry eyes. In this blog, we'll delve into the connection between excessive screen time and dry eyes, and provide you with practical strategies supported by credible sources to manage screen-related eye discomfort.

The Connection Between Excessive Screen Time and Dry Eyes

Excessive screen time can contribute to the development of dry eye symptoms. According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), extended digital device use can decrease the blink rate, leading to a decrease in tear production and an increase in tear evaporation. This reduced blinking disrupts the normal distribution of tears across the eyes' surface, resulting in dryness and discomfort.

Strategies for Managing Screen-Related Eye Discomfort

20-20-20 Rule:

The AOA recommends following the 20-20-20 rule. For every 20 minutes of screen time, take a 20-second break, and focus on an object at least 20 feet away. This practice helps relax the eye muscles and reduce strain.

Blink Regularly:

Conscious blinking is essential to keep the eyes moist. The Cleveland Clinic advises making an effort to blink deliberately and fully to prevent dryness. Using an app like EyeD, which has a Smart Blink Reminder, will ensure that you maintain healthy blinking habits. 

Adjust Screen Settings:

Proper screen settings can make a significant difference. Increase font size and adjust contrast and brightness to reduce strain. The Mayo Clinic suggests positioning your screen so that your gaze is slightly downward.

Maintain a Comfortable Environment:

Ensure adequate lighting to reduce glare and reflections on screens. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences recommends using indirect lighting and avoiding harsh overhead lighting.

Use Artificial Tears:

Artificial tears or lubricating eye drops can provide relief from dryness. The AAO recommends preservative-free drops and suggests applying them before discomfort sets in5.

Regular Eye Exams:

Routine eye exams are crucial, especially for individuals who spend significant time in front of screens. An eye care professional can detect and address early signs of dry eye or other eye-related issues.


Excessive screen time is a reality in our modern lives, and the associated dry eye discomfort can impact our well-being. By implementing the strategies mentioned above, you can proactively manage and alleviate screen-related eye discomfort. Remember, it's important to strike a balance between your screen usage and eye care practices to maintain healthy and comfortable eyes in the digital age.
EyeD, a free android app, has features like Smart Blink Reminder and 20-20-20 break reminders to ensure your eyes remain safe and healthy during your screen time. Check it out today!

Anoushka Krishnan